Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Central Elementary in North Polk

My first stop on December 5th was at Central Elementary in Mrs. Boyd's fourth grade class. Mrs. Boyd had selected the book, An Amish Christmas, for me to read. The fourth graders have been studying the northeast region of the United States and the book fit perfectly with their classroom studies! Students shared how the Amish celebration of Christmas was similar and how it was different from their own family celebrations. Being in the fourth grade made me miss my own classroom all over again!

The second stop of the day was in Mrs. Sheldahl's first grade classroom. She had selected the book Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star for me to read aloud. As I read a line aloud, the students echoed my words. At the end of our reading we all joined together in singing aloud the musical version. Oh, how sweet the young children can be!

1 comment:

Madridkid said...

Its nice to know that there are still teachers who assume new responsibilities, such as yours, but fortunately don´t loose contact with students. Good luck in travels, Linda, and during your tenure.