Monday, April 24, 2006

Seth McGrane of Denison an ISEA Scholarship Winner

Seth McGrane, a junior in Elementary Education at the University of Iowa is the recipient of one of our four ISEA Scholarships for 2006. Seth, pictured with his parents, Cyndy and Tom, was honored by the Denison Education Association with an after school reception on Friday, April 21st to receive his scholarship check from Team ISEA. Cyndy, a High School French and Spanish teacher; and Tom, a High School Counselor; are both long-time association members. Approximately 20 other teachers gathered on this Friday afternoon to give support to one of their former students as well as to their colleagues, the proud parents of Seth McGrane.

Cyndy shared with me a story of one of the experiences Seth had working with an ELL student in the Iowa City schools. The young female student had a fasicination with purses, so Seth walked to a local discount store and purchased a purple plastic purse with a few items to go inside. He then borrowed from the school library the children's book, Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes. For the few weeks he met with the student, he brought other items to add to the purse to aid in their discussion. Seth is a natural, don't you think?! How lucky we are to have the chance to invest in our profession by investing in Seth McGrane!

Seth is pictured here receiving his ISEA Scholarship check along with Denison EA president, Darin Johnson. Darin is a 4th grade teacher in the Denison Community School District. We are grateful for Darin's leadership in the association as well as in the classroom. Thanks, Darin for all you do as a leader on Team ISEA!

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