Team ISEA leaders of the Muscatine Education Association were hard at work well before the school year began! Muscatine EA leaders pictured here (back row, left to right) are Dan Kitchen, High School Art instructor/ MEA Grievance Chair; Carol Kula, Chinese Language instructor/ MEA President and (front row, left to right) Becka Jones, Counselor at Jefferson Elementary/ MEA Past-President; Lisa Kroll, High School Spanish instructor/ MEA Volunteer; and Dolores Silva, High School Spanish instructor/ MEA President-elect.
This group of dedicated Muscatine EA leaders not only prepared lunch, but worked with district administration to make an association membership presentation as they dined. Of the 28 new educators gathered, 24 joined the MEA following the membership presentation. Way to go President Carol Kula and your great team of Muscatine EA leaders!
Having the chance to speak briefly to the new educators to the Muscatine Community School District gave me the opportunity to reconnect with an educator that I greatly admire, that is Superintendent Dr. Tom Williams. Dr. Williams and I were members of the first commission in 2000 that did part of the initial groundwork for the 2001 Teacher Quality-Student Achievement Law. Dr. Williams shared with me that he has been asked to serve on one of the two workgroups (part of the Institute for Tomorrow's Workforce) looking at teacher compensation and in particular "performance based pay". Dr. Williams is truly a champion of quality public schools that provide challenges for all Iowa students. Thanks for your leadership, Dr. Williams!
See what the Muscatine Journal had to say:
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