Friday, February 24, 2006

Urbana-Center Point Middle School

Association leader and Middle School Math instructor, Rob Libolt (at left) served as one of my co-hosts during my visit to Urbana-Center Point Middle School. Rob was doing dual duty in handling discipline issues for the school as the building administrator was out for training for the day. Pictured here in the staff lunchroom with Rob is Nikki Luchauer, Middle School Special Education instructor.

My second co-host for my visit at Urbana-Center Point Middle School was Dilyn McNeil, Middle School Math Instructor (pictured at right). I had a most delightful discussion with Dilyn regarding her long-time involvement in the association. Dilyn shared with all of us in the staff lunchroom that she was the chief negotiator for the very first contractever bargained in the Center Point-Urbana school district. Thanks for your longtime commitment to the association and to the students, Dilyn!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by to see us. It's great to meet the person in the picture! We really appreciated your visit.

Anonymous said...

That was a perfect picture because Mr. Libolt is the best teacher ever.