Tuesday, August 07, 2007

"There's No Place Like ISEA, There's No Place Like ISEA"

UniServ Unit Two held Local Leaders' Workshops on both Monday and Tuesday of this week at Harriman's Park Shelter in Hampton. Pictured (from left to right) are our great staff in the Hampton Regional Office: Michele Alden, Administrative Assistant; Cindy Carroll, UniServ Director; and Sandra Goveia, UniServ Director. They focused the workshop around the theme of "The Wizard of Oz". I attended both days!

Local associations were asked to bring teams that included their officers and membership chairs. There was a great turnout both days; on Monday approximately 35 participated and Tuesday nearly 50!

Team ISEA leaders were challenged with "How to give your local all the courage, heart and brains to succeed! Follow the yellow brick road with us and get tips, learn skills, and map strategies to make your local association the best ever!"

I helped kick off the workshop by reviewing Team ISEA's goals from last year and the success we experienced because of the entire team effort from across the state. Our statewide membership grew by 300 in 2005-2006 and by 600 in 2006-2007. We were also successful in electing pro-public education candidates at both the state and federal level.

Local leaders introduced themselves by sharing a success from either their local association or a celebration on a personal level.

UniServ Directors Cindy and Sandra shared the following workshop objectives: create successes, provide network opportunities, evaluate local association needs, build local association capacity, member engagement in the political process, create positive community partnerships, and awareness of professional/association development.

Tables of leaders worked as teams to brainstorm then use "building blocks" on what heart, courage, wisdom, strategy, vision, teamwork, solidarity and dreams/passion meant to their local association.

ISEA's chief lobbyist, Brad Hudson, led a discussion that included celebrating 2006 election successes, the importance of staying in touch with policy makers and thanking them, and the implementation of the Teacher Quality Law.
Mary Jane Cobb of Team NEA, gave an update on NCLB as well as NEA as a resource for both ISEA and local associations.
John Heuberger (on the left) the regional representative for NEA Value Builder made a presentation followed by Josh Hinrich (at right) representing NEA Member Benefits and A + Auto.

Team ISEA Unit Two, awesome job in providing support for our local leaders! I so love reconnecting at Unit gatherings--I see so many familiar members where I've been in their classrooms or bus barns! Thanks, Unit Two leaders for all you do as leaders on Team ISEA!

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