On Wednesday, March 12th Patty Schmidt, co-president of the Preston EA, hosted a before school social in her cla
ssroom to share conversation, home-made breakfast breads and juice. I discovered Patty Schmidt to be one terrific leader for the association as well as a leader in the classroom!
At least a dozen members dropped by to introduce themselves and enjoy conversation with colleagues before their instructional day began. Patty is pictured here with colleagues and JDC UniServ Director (on the right) Bob Brown.
At least a dozen members dropped by to introduce themselves and enjoy conversation with colleagues before their instructional day began. Patty is pictured here with colleagues and JDC UniServ Director (on the right) Bob Brown.
Mrs. Schmidt demonstrates for the 11th and 12th grade students in her Agriculture class the dissection of a cow's heart. Students then worked with a partner on the cow's hearts donated by the local meat locker.
Traveling across town to the elementary building, I had the chance to read to Irene Entsminger’s 4th grade. Here (at left) is Mrs. Entsminger and her 4th grade homeroom.
Thanks so much Preston EA for all you do as leaders on Team ISEA!
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