Saturday, January 28, 2006

Elementary Buildings in Lewis Central

My afternoon in Lewis Central took me first to Kreft Elementary to read to five different classes. Pictured (at left) are Linda Hahn's 1st-2nd Multi-Age homeroom classroom.

Pictured at right are teacher Denise Geier and her 2nd graders. They did a super job in assisting with the read-aloud!

Listening intently (at left) are Amy Higgenhotham's Kindergarten-1st grade Multi-age classroom. I met such enthusiastic students at Kreft! I would be an enthusiastic student too if I had such great teachers leading instruction every day.

Kindergartener's from Tara York's homeroom get involved in the read-aloud (at right).

First year teacher, Ms. Parkinson's 1st graders (at left) loved making predictions as to what was to happen next before we turned the page.

A special thanks to Kathy Moe for arranging the schedule to visit so many classrooms with my favorite children's books.

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