On Thursday, September 21 my Unit 10 tour took me to Barnum to the 5-8 building of Manson Northwest Webster. I was welcomed with open arms by Elementary and Midd
le School Principal Marlene Johnson. Principal Johnson had previously served as Middle School principal. Here I'm pictured with Elementary and Middle School Principal Johnson. Thanks for your leadership, Marlene Johnson!
The first members I reconnected with were Molly Berns, K-6 Music teacher (on left)
and Diane Scheffler, 6th grade teacher. Both leaders attended Summer Conference in Storm Lake this past summer. The Manson Northwest Webster EA hosted a breakfast reception that had a great number of members gathered.
The first class of the day found me in Mrs. Ginny (pictured at left) Miller’s 7th grade Social Studies class. I discussed with students some of the things a candidate must do to run for office—including getting n
omination papers filled with signatures and filed with the Secretary of States office; putting together a committee; raising money; going door-to-door; participating in forums; and so much more. They shared concerns for negative advertising, but certainly could recite what the messages on the negative ads were. It is unfortunate, negative ads do stick with people! Here I'm pictured in front of Ginny's 7th graders.
My next class visit took me to the gym where all 5th graders were gathered. I read aloud a favorite children’s book,
When the Relatives Came by Cynthia Rylant. One of the 5th gr
ade teachers that I’ve known for several years now is Jan Nelson. I'm pictured with Jan here on the left. It was great to reconnect with this great EA leader! I'm pictured with Jan and her class in the school gym after the other classes had gone back to their homerooms.
Following our time in the Barnum building, we headed to Manson. At the primary building of Manson Northwest Webster I had the chance to read aloud to two groups of Kindergarteners gathered from Tricia Larson’s and Jeanne Ross’s rooms. Also a part of the class leadership is teacher associate Michelle Ruhland. Thanks for allowing me to share a favorite read aloud!
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