Thursday, March 20, 2008

Meet NEA State Presidents Who Are Fellow Bloggers

In the summer of 2006 the ISEA Leadership Team participated in NEA's Summer Leader's Conference in Baltimore, Maryland following the NEA Representative Assembly. There were leader tracks for state Presidents, Vice Presidents and state Treasurers. There were also sessions where all leaders came together and that is where I was given the opportunity to share my blogging efforts. I would like to introduce you to two of my great friends who have blogged as long as me.

Donna New Haschke, state President of the Texas State Teachers Association (at right), is a fellow blogger. Reading Donna's blog is like sitting down over a cup of coffee and having a great conversation with a good friend! This spunky state President has amazing energy and her quick wit makes all who come in contact with her a new best friend. Donna completes her service as state president for the Texas State Teachers Association later this summer.

Give a look to TSTA President Donna's blog:

Roy Bishop, President of the Oklahoma Education Association, is another long-time fellow state president blogger. Roy has a passion for writing and at any meeting can be seen journaling. Roy uses writing in so many ways including writing personal letters to many family members and friends on a regular basis (a seemingly lost trait for many in our society). Roy is a well respected leader by all state presidents and is genuinely just one of the nicest persons I've met in all my contact with NEA leaders. Roy also leaves office as President of the Oklahoma Education Association following the NEA Representative Assembly this summer.

Please take the time to check out OEA President Roy's blog:

1 comment:

Roy Bishop said...

Hi Linda!

It's an honor to be mentioned on your blog. Thanks for the kind words.

I enjoy communicating with members in this manner and also in exchanging ideas with fellow bloggers to make my posts better.

As someone who was born in Dubuque and who lived in a variety of cities across Iowa, I love reading about your schools and communities.

Keep up the good work.