Greeting me in the school office was Micki Stonewall (at right) Title I teacher and South Tama County EA Membership chair. Micki worked with East Central UniServ Unit Executive Board member Delores Ryan in putting together a great schedule in having me connect with students and staff.
The first class I had the chance to share a read-aloud was in Kris Collins' 5th grade. Here Kris is pictured (at left) with her homeroom. They were very good listeners!
Next I was off to the classroom of Sherry Shepard's 4th grade. Oh how I miss my 4th graders! It was fun to be around youngsters of this age again! Sherry and her class are pictured on the left.
Another teacher new to profession is 4th grade teacher Chelsea Carstens. The two groups of 4th graders had such fun (almost as much fun as the teachers!) in singing 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame"!
Following the read-alouds, I enjoyed take-out Chinese food with the 4th and 5th grade team of teachers. What a treat! We talked about moving into a new building, expectations brought about because of NCLB, staff development, Teacher Quality legislation, and learned about the news of Elizabeth Edwards cancer returning.
Thank you so much South Tama Elementary for the warm welcome! You have great things going on because of the extra effort you make every day on behalf of your students. Thanks for all you do every day for Iowa's students!
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